Master cylinder replacements

Denise , I did this on my 74, just like Berrnice explained it. The only difference was i got a disposable aluminum baking pan big enough for a turkey and laid it below everything to catch any lost fluid. Two bucks well spent. Also when i called matt 4 replacement hose, he already knew how much. My son 124sport is getting ready to do this on his 79.
Suggestion, try a pair of BIG round jaw vise grips on the flare nut before the flame goes on. Don't put the vise grips on too tight or the flare nut will be crushed.

Flaming hardware is not in my book of fastener removal for a host of reasons.

Oh boy. I better roll it outside in case it catches on fire.
Denise... as Bernice says...

... and I mentioned earlier... Use a pair of VICE GRIPS... (mine had teeth... which I repaired the flare nut with a file afterwards...) and also try GENTLY, but firmly... try to TIGHTEN it just a scooch more... then loosen it.

I find it best to have it still mounted up there also for additional leverage.

Hope this works... I hate ta see ya try a torch but that oughtta work as a last resort!
Got the pedal box out.

What a hateful job this is! Excuse me while I rant....I'd rather replace 5 starters on a Spider than replace these master cylinders again. Good grief, I ain't getting any younger and I don't think my body was meant to bend all those ways.
Okay, rant over. As soon as my hose comes in, I'll try reinstalling all this mess. Boy, I sure do miss driving the little bugger and I'm going to drive the hell out of it as soon as I get this done.

Thanks to everyone for your replies. It was far easier to reinstall than to take out, probably because I created more work by trying to remove the upper lines from the blocks, not knowing they all fed each other. The only problem I had was trying to get the big line to the clutch cylinder started. After that, even bleeding the systems went without a hitch. Heck, I think I could do this job standing on my head next time.:thumbsup:
What? You mean you weren't...

Heck, I think I could do this job standing on my head next time.:thumbsup:

What? You mean you weren't standing on your head? No wonder it was so hard! You're supposed to take the targa top off, take the seat out, and then stand on your head where the seat used to be :)

Good one Eric... I too just ASSUMED she knew better and had the car on its roof all the time!

Atta Girl...

I've known supposedly STRONG men that would not have attempted this job...


You'll now enjoy the car for many moons to come without issues!